
Monday, April 12, 2010

Extremist Groups!

What is Extremism?

Extremism is the term that is used to describe the ideologies or actions of individuals or groups that operate outside the alleged political centre of a society.

The Ku Klux Klan is perhaps one of the most renowned Extremist groups in the world which some view as a terrorist group. The Klan has existed for 130 years and has not notably changed in its fundamental beliefs in this period. Now America which is the founding nation of the Klan has always had Civil rights issues and an ongoing struggle with equality, however it is astonishing that the group can remain in its traditional views and hold such strong beliefs even in 2010.

history of the KKK

The Church of the National Knights of the Ku Klux Klan Australia and New Zealand Realm claimed that it had infiltrated the Australia First Party as a result of several of their members secretly joining the Party. This claim was denied by the Now whether this claim did happen to bear any truth or not does not change the fact that the beliefs that the Australia First Party behold are in fact of the same racial views. In such a multicultural society like Australia the Party wish to abolish multiculturalism.

a video from the Church of the National Knightof the KKK

Is the Australia First Party an Extremist Party?

The Party has had a long history of making Extremist statements and some of its leaders do have ties with Extremist groups. With the views and the core policies that they uphold they do have the fundamental beliefs of an Extreme Group. Their ideologies operate outside that of the two main Political Parties that dominate Australian society. They are in comparison to the KKK and to many other Extremist groups very small in numbers and do not have the power behind them to be a dominating group on their own, However it is evident that they (may) have allegiances to other Extremist groups. Now the Australia First Party are utilising the internet in order to put forward their views and ideas in an aim to persuade people to support them. It also allows people that are interested in their views to follow their development. However as the Internet does allow for freedom it is quite easy to ignore this Party in mainstream media. However to ignore such a group is just to ignore the fact that these misrepresentations do exist and although 'We' as a Nation have come along way... there are these Extremist groups who may just never get it... Thank goodness they are the minority.


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